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《LILI》是由liliverse production團隊於2021年推出的沈浸式體驗作品,藉由發展Lilith 這個古代西方神話中的女性角色,描述其轉化成夜之魔女後,數個世紀下來幻化成各種不同的樣貌。而在這場神秘派對中,透過Lili留下的線索,即將揭開她的真實面紗。




自從2021年首次推出《LILI》 後得到了廣大迴響,口碑好評不斷,於是團隊也致力於精修作品,希望能帶給觀眾更好的觀秀體驗和互動感受。


誕生場則是團隊在優化作品後,為了重口味和沈浸式劇場老手特別推出的驚喜版,在魔女場的基底下,多了隱藏版劇情和秘密彩蛋。加長版105分鐘的極致感官刺激,who is Lili最終章即將揭曉!

‣ 有推薦觀看路線嗎?

觀眾在 《LILI》的世界裡,可以自由選擇觀看與體驗方式,決定想要跟隨的角色故事線。在兩層樓的展演空間裡,每個角色穿梭其中,展開他們各自的故事和背後動機。透過觀眾親身參與的過程,每次體驗都將塑造獨一無二的感受,幸運的觀眾不但可能獲得和角色互動的機會,若是跟到由主角視角所展開的故事線,將會對劇情和整場秀有更全面的瞭解。




 Who is "LILI"?

"LILI" is an immersive experience produced by the Liliverse Production team in 2021. It focuses on the development of the ancient Western mythological character Lilith, who transforms into a witch of the night and assumes various forms over centuries. In this mysterious party, through the clues left by Lili, the veil of her true identity is about to be revealed.

 What sets it apart from other immersive theater performances?

Unlike plot-oriented immersive theater performances, "LILI" contains a large amount of dance content and combines numerous elements, such as circus, live music, and drag queens. The highly immersive lighting and laser effects enhance the visual and auditory impacts, creating a compelling show that balances experimental themes with rich entertainment.

 What are the differences between the 2021 and 2023 versions of "LILI"? Why are there witch and birth performances in 2023?

Since its debut in 2021, "LILI" has received a great response and continues to receive positive feedback. The team is committed to refining the production to provide the audience with better viewing experiences and interactive sensations.

The witch performance in 2023 is an upgraded version of the 2021 "LILI." Although it is based on the same story structure, it has been significantly improved in terms of the interactive design with characters and visual art throughout the show. The large-scale dance scenes have also been newly choreographed. Even for those who have seen the 2021 version, it is highly recommended to watch it again, as there are missed plotlines to explore and a renewed sense of experience to enjoy! Additionally, the perfect 90-minute show length is suitable for those who are curious about immersive experiences but worry about the extended duration.

The birth performance is a surprise edition specially designed for those who prefer more mature and seasoned immersive theater experiences. It features hidden plotlines and secret Easter eggs added onto the witch performance. The ultimate sensory stimulation of the 105-minute extended version will reveal the final chapter of "Who is Lili?"

 Are there recommended viewing routes?

In the world of "LILI," the audience can freely choose their preferred viewing and experiencing styles and decide which character storyline they want to follow. Each character moves around the two-story exhibition space, unfolding their individual stories and motivations. Through the audience's personal participation, each experience will shape a unique sensation. Lucky audience members may even have the opportunity to interact with the characters. If following the protagonist's storyline, they will gain a more comprehensive understanding of the plot and the entire show.

For those who enjoy exploring less popular plotlines, there is no need to worry, as there are multiple pathways to follow, and every choice has a unique experience.

 What is the coin game?

The Coin Game is a unique interactive entertainment experience in "LILI." In this party, each character develops a unique way of interacting based on their personality. Viewers can use coins to select and interact with different characters, exchanging interesting interactions (although there is also a possibility of being rejected based on the character's personality!). In addition to the game's fun, observant viewers can also observe and speculate on the characters' personalities or discover party secrets from the clues provided by the characters.
